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    The Myth of the Male Orgasm (1993)

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    The Myth of the Male Orgasm
    The excesses of feminism and political correctness come in for some serious ribbing in this Canadian comedy, which might just give Rush Limbaugh a belly-laugh or two, along with anyone else who has ever thought that his pet term \"feminazi\" was humorous. In the story, Jimmy (Bruce Dinsmore) is having a mid-life crisis, and in order to get a handle on why he has so much trouble with women, decides to participate in a college-sponsored study on male sexuality. What he doesn't know is that the study is being run by some extremely radical, doctrinaire feminists, and that he's in for a nightmarish grilling. He shows up for his first sessions, is blindfolded, and is then put through his paces as a relentless female interrogator puts him constantly on the defensive for everything he has ever done with women throughout his entire life.

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    • John Hamilton
    • ~ 90 min.
    • Komödie
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    6.2 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Komödie Romance
    Produzent: Robin Spry
    Schauspieler: Bruce Dinsmore  Miranda de Pencier  Mark Camacho  Burke Lawrence  Ruth Marshall  Macha Grenon  Micheline Dahlander  Felicia Shulman  7 weitere
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