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    Cupid (1999)

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    Trevor Hale is attractive, witty, uncommonly intelligent - and he may be Cupid, the Greco-Roman god of erotic love. Probably not, but he thinks so. Trevor's insistence that he is Cupid lands him in a mental hospital, where he meets psychologist Claire Allen, a renowned authority on romance. Trevor tells Claire that he has been stripped of his godly powers by Zeus, and exiled from Mount Olympus as a punishment for arrogance. To win his way back among the gods, Trevor must unite 100 couples in everlasting love, without his bow and arrows. Claire does not believe in Cupid, but she risks her career by releasing Trevor from the hospital, assuming responsibility for his behavior. Trevor finds work as a bartender, and regularly disrupts Claire's group therapy sessions. All the while, he plots his campaign to promote romance, and earn his way back to Olympus. While encouraging sexual abandon in others, Trevor remains celibate; he believes sex with a mortal will confine him to Earth forever.

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    • Michael Engler
    • USA
    • Komödie
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    8 / 10 :: 573 Votes
    Genre: Komödie Romance
    Schauspieler: Jeremy Piven  Paula Marshall  Jeffrey D. Sams  Paul Adelstein  Daniel Bryant  Jeffrey Vincent Parise  Noelle Bou-Sliman  Melanie Deanne Moore  8 weitere
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