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    Clear Lake, WI (2009)

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    Clear Lake, WI
    Fifteen years after Clear Lake, WI was evacuated and quarantined by the government, four young adults return to the small town in search of clues about their mysterious past. Back in 1994, a mysterious virus appeared in Clear Lake. As panic spread, a local priest (Michael Madsen) convinced a small group of high school students that the locals were being punished by God, and that the day of retribution had finally arrived. It was their job, claimed the priest, to apprehend the worst sinners, and ensure that they suffered for their transgressions. When government health officials arrived to investigate, they were shocked to discover that 13 of the locals had vanished without a trace, and the majority of the townspeople had abandoned their homes for fear of getting infected. For the following 15 years, the town sat eerily still and completely unoccupied. Now, a group of documentary filmmakers have convinced the kids who previously took part in the kidnappings to return to Clear Lake...

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    • Brian Ide
    • USA
    • Thriller
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    3 / 10 :: 146 Votes
    Genre: Thriller
    Executive Producer: Dean 'Sundance' Bonham
    Co-Produzent: Sara Gravrock
    Produzent: Brian Ide
    Schauspieler: Dustin Booth  Morgan Simpson  Grinnell Morris  Shi Ne Nielson  Carla Toutz  Heather Simpson  Michael Madsen  Jacquelin Arroyo  29 weitere
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