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    American Idol: Unauthorized (2007)

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    American Idol: Unauthorized
    American Idol: Unauthorized What makes American Idol the unstoppable NUMBER ONE television show season after season? Why do most Americans admit to being addicted to this guilty pleasure? And why do America's young artists subject themselves to the scrutiny of three judges and millions of telephone voters? American Idol: Unauthorized reveals all this and much much more... Kelly, Ruben, Clay, Fantasia, Carrie, Bo, Ryan, Paula, Randy and don't forget Simon have become household names; but how did the creators of American Idol transform a simple talent show into the most successful television program of all time? American Idol: Unauthorized provides fans with an up-close and personal look at the dynamic cast of personalities that made the show a run-away hit from the start. Step backstage with American Idol: Unauthorized and witness the power of the star making machine: get firsthand accounts of the nail-biting audition process...

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    • Michael Bouson
    • USA
    • Dokumentation
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    IMDb Wertung:
    2.4 / 10 :: 22 Votes
    Genre: Dokumentation
    Produzent: Carlos Aguilar
    Executive Producer: David McKenzie
    Schauspieler: Jake Austen  Ian Benardo  Kimberly Caldwell  Lindsey Cardinale  Corey Clark  Andy Dehnart  Dave Della Terza  Julia DeMato  14 weitere
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